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Dual Special Needs Plans (DSNP)
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan
Health plans for people who have both Medicare and Medicaid.
What’s the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
If you are not sure, we can help. We can also tell you if you qualify for Medicaid. Medicare provides health insurance to individuals over 65, as well as individuals under 65 who qualify through disability. Medicare is a federal program, not a state program. Medicaid, however, is run by the state. Medicare is for the ageing population and disabled, whereas Medicaid is for individuals with low income. Each state has their own qualifications for Medicaid.
Believe it or not, you can have both Medicare & Medicaid simultaneously.
You may have both Medicare and Medicaid. If you have Medicare and Medicaid you are “dual-eligible”. Since you are dual eligible you qualify for a Dual Special Needs Plan (DSNP). These plans work with both Medicare and Medicaid. Dual Special Needs Plans cover hospital stays, eligible doctor’s visits, and prescription drugs with small copays. If you are “dual eligible” you most likely qualify for a Dual Special Needs Plan.
Dual Plans offer extra benefits at no extra costs.
Dual Special Needs Plans take it a step further than both Medicaid and Original Medicare. You will not lose your Medicaid benefits you are receiving today. Actually, you may find that you could receive benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t provide such as:
Dental Care, plus a dental allowance
Eye exams, plus a credit for frames, lenses and contacts
Hearing exams, plus credit for hearing devices
Transportation to doctor’s visits and the pharmacy
Over-the-counter allowance
Typically, those who are dual eligible can enroll in a Dual Special Needs Plan with no monthly premium.
Want to get these extra benefits and features? See if you qualify.
Individuals who do qualify for Dual Special Needs Plans can enroll and switch plans throughout the year, not just during the Annual Enrollment Period
(October 15th – December 7th)