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Lois Farris Dunlop

Licensed Agent

Lois is a native of Indiana, and proud to be a Hoosier. She has been a Licensed Agent since 2006, and loves helping people understand the importance of insurance and having the right coverage.

Lois has more than 20 years of experience in the Healthcare industry. Growing up, Lois wanted to be a nurse, which is why she enjoys talking to people about their health and wellbeing, this includes good insurance and benefits. From giving birth to her own children, to being a care-giver to her own parents, she understands insurance matters and can make all the difference, when you need it the most! Lois philosophy is to treat you, the same way, she would treat her own parents: 1) Always tell you the truth and do the right thing; 2) Make sure you and your loved ones understand all of your options; and 3) A reliable resource for other Senior programs and services.

Lois not only would be your Agent, she would be your Advocate.

Lois Farris Dunlop
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