Medicare does not cover every drug on the market and certain classes aren't covered by Medicare Part D plans. It's recommended you are aware of the items not covered and always check your plan's formulary if you are being prescribed a new medication. That way there will be no surprises at the pharmacy.
Drugs not covered by Medicare:
Drugs for anorexia, weight loss, or weight gain
Drugs that promote fertility
Drugs for cosmetic purposes or hair growth
Drugs for the relief of cough and cold symptoms- these are usually available over the counter
Prescription vitamins and mineral products, except prenatal vitamins and fluoride preparations
Nonprescription drugs
Drugs for sexual dysfunction
Non-FDA-Approved products
Drug efficacy study implementation (DESI) drugs (drugs the FDA has determined to be safe but not effective)
Bulk chemicals in the following STCs: U6I, U6Q, U6U, U6W, and U6X Bulk chemicals do not meet the definition of a Part D-covered drug (FDA-approved, prescription medication with a compendial indication)
Devices (i.e., diaphragms)
Ingredient/adjuvant (i.e., sterile water for injection)
Line flush (i.e., normal saline IV flush, Heparin Sodium Lock Flush)
Medical supplies
Drugs covered under Medicare Part A or Part B
Medications not covered by your insurance can be purchased out-of-pocket, may qualify for manufacturer's discounts or available at a reduced price from the various drug discount card programs that are available online.